Thursday, December 13, 2012

It’s time for us to take a closer look at what is necessary to build an effective list of email subscribers.  It does not matter if you are new to internet marketing or not, to create and maintain a successful business you must focus your attention on growing your list.

For those of you who are new to online marketing I encourage you to not delay beginning this process.  This is by far the number one mistake that most internet marketers will admit they made in their business.

In the coming days we will look at the various components of building a list.  We will examine this step by step.  My desire is to give you a method you can follow to get this process in place so you can begin adding subscribers and connecting with them.

To get things rolling, you will need to set up what is referred to as a lead capture page, often called a landing page or squeeze page.  This is typically a page with a small box on it where a person can enter their email address and name.

Now, for someone to be willing to give you this information you must be able to give them something of really good value.   It is best to give an item of perceived high value.  In addition, I suggest you give this away free or at a very low cost.

Keep in mind your goal is to gain a list of followers with whom you can build a relationship, share your knowledge, and offer other products that will meet their needs in the future.

The initial free gift we sent you is a great resource for creating this capture page.  In case you missed it I’m including it here.


Next time we will take a look at ways to find something you can offer to those who opt-in (give email and name) to your lead capture page.  We will explore some of the options available to you that will make it easy for you to get this setup.

Online Strategies That Work

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